
You’re an OVERCOMER through Christ!

By on Jul 11, 2015 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter

Hi Stars!!! It’s been a phenomenal week! For a while I had stopped posting on the weekends but I’m going back to it being daily! I pray it serves you well! (Inspired by John 16 AMP)


stayinWith all the rapid the growth and maturity of my business I’ve come to have a desire and need for a personal assistant. Being a stickler for expanding prudently to avoid courting neglect my present responsibilities, I’ve put that on hold for the moment. But I have rediscovered one that fits that position perfectly and can do the very same for you… His name is the Holy Spirit! He is the Spirit of Truth and His job is to specifically guide us into all the Truth that God has already predestined us to walk in. If we choose to live in humility to always seek him, He’ll announce and declare to us the things that are to come ahead of time and show us what is in the perfect future God has for us. This way, we’re fully prepared to champion over every challenge and obstacle which in turn proves us always to B the BEST!


The Spirit of Truth honors and glorifies exclusively Jesus, His ways and Word to reveal and disclose them to you. From the Father, through Jesus, then to the Holy Spirit and to you… it’s divine order so He must be respected. To ignore Him is to ignore the Father and Jesus. Listening, obeying and trusting Him will cause all our sorrows, pain, hurt, distress, shame, guilt and oppression to be transformed into LIFE, joy, blessing, peace, love and prosperity. No one and nothing can take that from you… God’s absolute TRUTH is powerful!


greatYou are never alone because the Father is always with you via the representation of the Holy Spirit. When He speaks absolute Truth to you, you’ll possess perfect peace, confidence and prosperity. No matter what tribulation, trial, distress or frustration comes as a result of believing God’s words of Truth, be of good cheer (take courage, be confident, bold, certain and fearless)! For you have already over come the world (it’s situations, circumstances, conditions, appearances) through Jesus’ victory of Christ in you! Nothing has the power to harm you because it’s already conquered through the life of Christ living in YOU! Simply receive this triumph and victory now… B the BEST! I love you,

LaMecca I’omni Grace*



“Overcomer” by Mandisa


What if I told you that there was somebody that’s available to be your personal assistent to help you with every project you have and will