

By on Dec 11, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. (1 John 5:3-6) There is a powerful confidence Dad/God has in you as His child. It’s not an ignorant blindness to your mistakes and shortcomings but a very conscious and sure hope/expectation, love and faith in your ability to overcome ALL… exclusively because of Christ that’s within you! You may see a long trail of failures behind you or even have shameful present moments but that’s not what God sees. When you’ve wholeheartedly repented, apologized and forgiven others, the ONLY thing Daddy sees is the powerful cleansing (not merely covering) blood of Jesus Christ. This means that when He places His hand on your shoulder to look behind you and at your current stance in Christ, His love only sees WIN after WIN after WIN! He sees you as UNTOUCHABLE, UNDEFEATABLE and UNBREAKABLE! Even when it seems like the enemy is succeeding remember that LOVE/GOD never fails! Any form of darkness is defenseless against you as you are LIGHT (in Christ)! May God be your Shepherd as His rod protects and His staff guides you through the narrow valley on His path! Fear nothing as He leads you out of darkness, confusion and barrenness (unproductiveness) and into the vibrant place of good eating, calm waters and prosperous ventures. Give Him the opportunity to prepare the table for you and to overflow your cup. Always listen, obey and trust HIM… that’s the X factor that sets your heart apart from all else! Keep a pure heart that rejects defeat and shame while it embraces Truth and accepts only The BEST by Grace! You are an OVERCOMER! It’s your faith in God And His ways of Kingdom living that makes you RIGHT(eous) with Him and you shall be rewarded… BELIEVE and walk in it by faith! LET’S EXALT JESUS ABOVE EVERY THING!!! I love you, LaMecca I’omni Grace*   “I Exalt Thee” by Jesus...

New Way for New RESULTS!

By on Dec 9, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

Then shall your LIGHT break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58:7) Jesus and HIS ways of living in Truth by Grace are the only ways to be successful in the Kingdom! Does it not hurt within to constantly kick against the pricks? Has the overgrowth of selfish pride caused numbness of heart? Has hate and fear’s lies seared your conscience from believing and trusting God? There is a way to get back to the first love, initial dreams, original desires and ultimate purpose God conceived within you. Thank God for a NEW day, full of Grace and opportunities to respond to Dad in faith versus fear! With the help of the impeccable leadership of the Holy Spirit you can be freed from the strongholds and lies the enemy has been feeding you through the sin nature all this time! Truth brings light and Grace provides the way.   Sometimes, you can be so full of complaints and ungratefulness for all that you KNOW you don’t want that you neglect the importance of giving attention and thanksgiving to Dad for the perfections he’s already placed in your life (those He tailormade according to your OWN highest desires). What you focus on expands so simply shift your FOCUS! Only the God given plan will prosper with His blessing of FAVOR because it’s there that we’ve submitted to His divine adjustments within. Exclusive dependence on the Holy Spirit versus Self/Pride/Ego is required here as all selfish ambitions die the death. The investment of quality time into Dad and His agenda inevitably produces REAL joy, supernatural energy, unmatched passion and love for the fulfilling of Purpose! Imperishable RESULTS are produced in this place with Dad! Father, thank you for everything you’ve already done for me. I apologize for the ignorance and selfishness of not acknowledging Your perfection. Open my eyes to Your lavish abundance of wisdom, understanding, resources and opportunities that I may live in the dream You’ve prepared for me. Thank You for Grace and Truth to B The BEST (Christ)! Operate from the renewed heart by Grace: mind, senses and emotions in agreement with Truth (God’s Word)… guided exclusively by the Truth (the Holy Spirit). May you enjoy a fulfilling life, prosperous ministry and successful business as you live from the Center/Christ! I love you,   LaMecca I’omni Grace*   “Lost Without You” by Bebe & Cece...

A Word Controlled Mind

By on Dec 5, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

Therefore I always exercise and discipline myself [mortifying my body, deadening my carnal affections, bodily appetites, and worldly desires, endeavoring in all respects] to have a clear (unshaken, blameless) conscience, void of offense toward God and toward men. (Acts 24:16) Having a mind, emotions and feelings that are totally determined by the outside surroundings isn’t only a lack of development, it’s a dangerous internal living environment. The only way to fortify and control your mind, emotions and feelings from being so loosy, goosy, slipping and sliding all over the place is by exercising the Word of God into your eyes and ears and by speaking it out of your mouth. This causes it to penetrate your mind and saturate your heart. It’s your Kingdom defense system. Whatever you allow to enter your heart transforms who you are and what you are, what you crave, and who you are to become (whether good of bad). Being double minded is like having multiple personalities… it’s a place of constant fear, instability, unreliability and uncertainty in everything you do. Only Daddy’s Word believed in oneness of Faith can bring this mind back in a healthy condition.   There are certain things you do and eat that you KNOW causes allergic reactions and therefore prevent you from responding to life right(eously). Whether it’s certain foods, music, people or habits, it’s the Spirit of Truth that will reveal it and the same Spirit of Grace that will help you to cut it out. Feeding on The BEST (God’s Word) consistently and spending quality time in His presence is the cure to all ailments (in any area of life). He’ll root you deeper in His love and prosper your life but only after you’ve made the necessary adjustments in your will by Grace. As you commit to Him, you’ll notice Him transforming every area of your life into His BEST (regardless of how long it’s been in lower conditions). Love Him!!! Father, ABOVE ALL, I thank you that you hear me, that I listen intently, obey You immediately and trust You wholeheartedly to have good success. I thank you for your all sufficient Grace to walk in the Truth of Your perfect Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. In Christ, I AM The BEST, I sow The BEST and receive The BEST multiplied. I love you! In Jesus name I pray. Amen (so B it). Grow in Christ to be a true Daughter or Son of God! May God’s Word be the only thing we build our lives, thoughts, actions and attitudes on. The HIGHEST level of Grace & Peace to you,   LaMecca I’omni Grace* Britt Nicole –...

Center Living

By on Dec 4, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

In fact, I greatly rejoiced when [some of] the brethren from time to time arrived and spoke [so highly] of the sincerity and fidelity of your life, as indeed you do live in the Truth [the whole Gospel presents]. I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my [spiritual] children are living their lives in the Truth. (3 John 1:3-4) Living from the Center of Truth by All Grace is to be practiced moment by moment in order to be perfected. The Truth of who you are (B-ing a SPIRITual being that possesses a soul/mind and lives in a physical body) must be the base from which all you do and speak is built upon. The same way you may have perfected your ability to become invisible to protect your privacy or your ability to stay under the radar to avoid necessary responsibilities of growing and maturing, you must now take accountability to the HIGHEST authority… God’s Word! B everything you’ve been foreordained, called and justified to B by All Grace.   You are The BEST (in Christ), you are full of Truth and empowered by All Grace. Your undeniable love for the Father (to listen, obey and trust Him ABOVE ALL) sets you apart… it’s favor. It causes you to prosper and have good success in anything you put your hands to. By Faith, B rooted and grounded in the position God has prepared for you and Christ has paid for you… the Center and in the Light. God’s favor (unmerited, unearned and undeserved spiritual blessing) is what kept you and what shall prosper you. “Father, I thank you for all that you’ve prepared for me in advance to walk and live in. By faith in your Grace, I appropriate every victory and triumph over opposition. I desire to live according to Your Word that pierces every stronghold, lie, illusion and wicked imagination that may have been built up in my life. I take responsibility because you made me able to in Christ! I love you and make I always bring honor, glory and praise to Your name through every aspect of my life. In Jesus name and character of heart I pray… Amen (so let it B)!” Enjoy a fantastic day! Fear not, prosper and remember to live from the CENTER of LOVE… Daddy’s with(in) you! Grace is given in the apprenticeship stages so simply embrace the LIGHT! I love you, LaMecca I’omni Grace*   Matthew West –...

Give The BEST

By on Dec 3, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

It’s officially time to take EVERYthing up HIGHER!!! You’re literally in the last few weeks of 2013 and about to dive into 2014. STOP and evaluate your production thus far. How developed is your heart and mind to listen, obey and trust the Leader (Christ versus Self)? How well are you producing in your ministry and/or business goals? Have any real changes been implemented and maintained to promote optimum health?  Is your true image and brand congruent with your HIGHEST desires? You already have the ability, skill, support and empowerment to B The BEST and now there are absolutely NO excuses… it’s time to B!   Take at least 1 hour out today to stop everything and bring your mind back to the center and away from the edge of just barely getting by with bare minimum and least possible effort (D average living). B-ing an “A+” producer is already in you because Christ lives there. Don’t complain when you know you could be sowing more into God versus your self… adjust accordingly! Align all efforts with the core purpose and vision God originally gave you and let all selfish ideas fall by the wayside. Last night I was studying some notes from a class I took in ministry school and it helped me tremendously! “Your greatest fear is really the backside of your courage! You’re looking at it from the wrong angle, you’re supposed to look at it from within [Christ]!” (“Imaginations, Visualizations & Manifestations” – Dr. Leroy Thomspon, Sr.). Father, I thank you for all that you are to me and I acknowledge and appreciate your lordship over me. I understand that you desire that I have and enjoy only the BEST in life. Though work is involved in Your plans, the benefits and pleasures far outweigh anything I could do on my own. Thank you for your favor on my life and I increase it by cooperating with You! Together, we shall do super abundantly above and beyond all that I could have ever imagined, dreamed or hoped for! Christ’s life resurrected in me positively impacts the lives of those around me! Thank you and I love you! The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so B it)!   LaMecca I’omni Grace*   Scriptural References CLICK HERE: John 14:15, John 15:8, 3 John 2, Ephesians 3:20, John 10:10 and 2 Corinthians 13:14 “Teach Me” by Kierra...

Build The BEST

By on Dec 2, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

Freedom from all the old gives birth to NEWness and the ability, passion and tenacity to build The BEST! Regardless of what areas you may be working on in your life, right NOW is the best moment to pick the perfect tools (God’s incorruptible Words), develop the right blueprint (the VISION He gave) and select the most skilled team (The Holy Spirit and angels) to help build the absolute BEST in that area. As a righteous king/queen (representative of the Kingdom of God) you must build your kingdom within and throughout by His unfailing Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. He is the Source of all good in your life and He’s right there with you… so fear/fret not!   See yourself in a consistent and ceaseless flow with God unobstructed by old ways of self, doubt, fear, pride or ego from the past. Now that you’ve been made brand NEW, by All Grace, have faith in the Word working within you to create and produce nothing but the BEST! This flow with Dad will cause His supernatural power to transform every area of your life into The BEST! B progressive, graceful, full of love (absent of hate/fear), focused on the Truth and in consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit on every project… He’s your Project Manager.   Take advantage of every opportunity given to produce the BEST by staying in the NOW, conscious, alert and empowered! Love Dad first, yourself next and then others from that matured love! I love you,   LaMecca I’omni Grace*   Scriptural References CLICK HERE: Romans 6:6-8, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 1:23, Proverbs 24:3-4, 1 John 4:18 and John...


By on Nov 29, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

Flowing in the place that God ordains, approves and protects, there is freedom as you work on the areas that need your attention! Once God sets you free, it’s disgusting and foolish stupidity to keep going back to what you’ve been delivered from. Imagine a dog that eats his own vomit over and over when real food and water is right in front of him! Nasty thought but it’s a common practice towards habits that must be broken by Jesus’ Grace and Truth! Your ego hates to admit it but you crucify Christ anew as a Christian by walking according to the appetites of the flesh/pride/ego. RESURRECT Christ  in yourself and to the entire World around you by adopting His ways of Grace and Truth. Die daily to LIVE!   In Christ, you are a NEW man/woman. Take time to renew your mind to your NEW mind, thoughts, attitudes and actions… in this rebuilds the right(eous) personality within. Forget the old, exalt and embrace the NEW! The BEST/ Christ in you is true, trustworthy, sharp, discerning, progressive, focused, diligent, prudent, loving and graceful! B committed to God’s Word of Truth, humble to apologize and progressively persistent to work with Grace to mature and grow all areas of yourself (spirit, soul and body)! The Holy Spirit is your ever present Companion, Helper, Trainer, Teacher and Personal Designer! He knows everything and is able, willing and ready to mold us into an honorable vessel for Dad’s usage!  “Father, I thank You for the opportunity to change my ways of living and operating. No matter what I’ve been through, may be dealing with now or how long, I KNOW that the Holy Spirit, with my cooperation, is ready to put me in a nonstop prosperous lifestyle where whatsoever I do prospers! I believe your Word in my heart and I speak your Truth with total confidence… I am brand NEW in Christ Jesus! The old is dead and all things about me are NEW! Thank you for your Grace to live in your absolute Truth. I love you! In Jesus name I pray, Amen (so let it B)!” God makes you FREE so that you can B absolutely NEW!!! Go forth, B fruitful and produce nothing but The BEST!   I love you all, LaMecca I’omni Grace*   “Hanging On” by Britt Nicole   Scriptural References CLICK HERE – 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 15:31, John 14:26 and 2 Timothy...


By on Nov 27, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

There’s no need to force yourself to manufacture something new when the NEW is already inside of you! It’s simply a matter of birthing this NEW through you with the help of God’s Grace and Truth!!! Just as Jesus grew, matured and perfected His character in the absolute Truth by All Grace, so must we. God doesn’t do it for us, WE MUST CLEANSE OURSELVES from all contaminating and corrupting influences, youthful lusts, self-conceit, idolatry and adulterous ways against God. This is the only way you can truly escape from the deceiving trap that the enemy of God has held you captive in… God’s Word of Truth and Grace applied has the power!   It’s the Spirit of Truth and Grace given as a gift to us by Jesus that will help us walk humbly and boldly in God’s will. He has prepared, tailor made and has kept ready for this very moment in time… it’s RIGHT NOW!!! Forgiveness, mercy and grace must be requested of God for EVERYTHING we’ve done (taking responsibility in wholehearted repentance)!!! The same must be extended from yourself to yourself and likewise must be given through you to all that has tried to negatively attach itself to your soul. Let them all GO!!!   This NEW place requires the powerful fuel of lots and LOTS (Listen/Obey/Trust=Success) of LOVE towards God! Your love has to be pure, motives completely transparent and heart free from all that doesn’t belong. As a clean, holy, consecrated vessel of honor by Grace, God shall use YOU in mighty ways and the audience is ready now for the performance of His Word… only believe and respond in Faith! Remember, it’s all by Grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. “Father, I rebuke all fearful, stressful and tormenting thoughts that have come to rob me, your child, of the love, peace and sound mind You’ve lavishly gifted to me through Christ. I bind every Satanic force of Pride, Lust, Covetousness, Poverty and Perversion and loose your angels to minister Your Truth and Grace to my hearts. May I see You for all that You are and see myself just as You’ve tailor made me to B in Christ Jesus. I believe in my heart every word You’ve spoken over me and by Grace through Faith, I speak Christ’s VICTORY in to every area of my life! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen (so let it B)!!!” God loves you and has already provided for you to B The BEST through Christ… so B FREE!!! LaMecca I’omni Grace*   “FREE” by Kierra...