
The Real LIGHT is Already Here!

By on Feb 26, 2014 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter

This is a VERY important moment in time when the transition from the old to the NEW is taking place in the lives of believers (those who are believing God in this hour ABOVE ALL). The unsuccessful reign of Self/Pride/Ego has ended and the frail kingdom it built based on laws, tradition and religious ideas of men are crumbling to pieces even now. The undeniable, indestructible and unstoppable reign of Grace and Truth through Jesus Christ is being exalted super abundantly, far over and above Sin and it’s works. Believers are releasing their old prideful, enslaving and condemning filthy rags mentality (allowing it ALL to fall to the ground) and embracing the Cross, the Blood and the Grace of Christ.

“Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for henceforth there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Shake yourself from the dust; arise, sit [erect in a dignified place], O Jerusalem; loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive Daughter of Zion. Therefore My people shall know what My name is and what it means; therefore they shall know in that day that I am He who speaks; behold, I Am! Behold, My [a]Servant shall deal wisely and shall prosper; He shall be exalted and extolled and shall stand very high.” (Isaiah 52:1-2, 6, 13 AMP)

Stars, it’s a special time to put on your brand NEW garments that Jesus paid for you to have and enjoy. All of Zion is called to partake of the Zoe life of God which causes FAVOR to be multiplied and good SUCCESS to be the evidence. Just as Moses’ rod transformed into the more predominant snake that ate up the other snakes conjured up by the works of flesh, so shall those flowing with and led by the Holy Spirit now be exalted in God’s Grace and Truth far above all else.


What can YOU do to participate and cooperate in the FLOW of this exciting Kingdom SHIFT? Exalt Christ and all that he stands for (Love, Grace, absolute Truth, Faith, Righteousness) ABOVE ALL in your own life by Grace through Faith. Your flesh, pride and ego won’t like it but as you are faithful to make GOD FIRST, you shall transcend your present state and be translated to the very TOP of that Standard… in Christ!


Who you really are in Christ to God is MUCH MORE greater than who you’ve been in times past. This world is dying, but God sent you to B the Light! Submit to God, forsake all forms of darkness and B The BEST!


I love you,


LaMecca I’omni Grace*


Josh Wilson – “Pushing Back the Dark”