

By on Apr 14, 2015 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter

GodFirst Logo Black VectorThere’s a common misstep taken continually by mankind in the chase for creations instead of the pursuit for God the Creator and His ways. This isn’t just so in the world but also very prevalent in the Body of Christ, those who know God and possess Him as their Father. To forcefully continue in that twisted mindset and condition of heart only ensures malnourishment, blindness, dumbness and deafness towards the Truth and the BEST that God has already prepared, tailor made and have kept ready for you.

“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” (Matthew 6:33 AMP)

Following your own self and your ways of reason isn’t a justifiable path of independence. It’s a camouflaged highway that leads only in the wrong direction of what God has for you. Humble yourself, see the error of your ways and seek FIRST the Lord and His ways with your whole heart. He’ll not only heal and prosper all that you have but more importantly, He’ll heal and prosper you in His Truth by all Grace.


Keep God and His ways first in all that you do. I love you,

LaMecca I’omni Grace*