
A Word Controlled Mind

By on Dec 5, 2013 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter


Therefore I always exercise and discipline myself [mortifying my body, deadening my carnal affections, bodily appetites, and worldly desires, endeavoring in all respects] to have a clear (unshaken, blameless) conscience, void of offense toward God and toward men. (Acts 24:16)

Having a mind, emotions and feelings that are totally determined by the outside surroundings isn’t only a lack of development, it’s a dangerous internal living environment. The only way to fortify and control your mind, emotions and feelings from being so loosy, goosy, slipping and sliding all over the place is by exercising the Word of God into your eyes and ears and by speaking it out of your mouth. This causes it to penetrate your mind and saturate your heart. It’s your Kingdom defense system. Whatever you allow to enter your heart transforms who you are and what you are, what you crave, and who you are to become (whether good of bad). Being double minded is like having multiple personalities… it’s a place of constant fear, instability, unreliability and uncertainty in everything you do. Only Daddy’s Word believed in oneness of Faith can bring this mind back in a healthy condition.


There are certain things you do and eat that you KNOW causes allergic reactions and therefore prevent you from responding to life right(eously). Whether it’s certain foods, music, people or habits, it’s the Spirit of Truth that will reveal it and the same Spirit of Grace that will help you to cut it out. Feeding on The BEST (God’s Word) consistently and spending quality time in His presence is the cure to all ailments (in any area of life). He’ll root you deeper in His love and prosper your life but only after you’ve made the necessary adjustments in your will by Grace. As you commit to Him, you’ll notice Him transforming every area of your life into His BEST (regardless of how long it’s been in lower conditions). Love Him!!!

Father, ABOVE ALL, I thank you that you hear me, that I listen intently, obey You immediately and trust You wholeheartedly to have good success. I thank you for your all sufficient Grace to walk in the Truth of Your perfect Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. In Christ, I AM The BEST, I sow The BEST and receive The BEST multiplied. I love you! In Jesus name I pray. Amen (so B it).

Grow in Christ to be a true Daughter or Son of God! May God’s Word be the only thing we build our lives, thoughts, actions and attitudes on. The HIGHEST level of Grace & Peace to you,


LaMecca I’omni Grace*

Britt Nicole – “GOLD”