

By on Apr 15, 2015 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter

greenPlacing things in divine ORDER is a pre-requisite for the glory of God to manifest. Are you seeking God for a miracle, special sign or undeniable wonder to be performed in your life? Do you know that HE IS both able and willing? If you’ve answered YES to both of these questions then you must understand that there’s a part YOU must do first in order to experience God supernatural power in your life… place things in ORDER!

“Now the day began to decline, and the Twelve came and said to Him, Dismiss the crowds and send them away, so that they may go to the neighboring hamlets and villages and the surrounding country and find lodging and get a supply of provisions, for we are here in an uninhabited (barren, solitary) place.  But He said to them, You [yourselves] give them [food] to eat. They said, We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless we are to go and buy food for all this crowd, For there were about 5,000 men. And [Jesus] said to His disciples, Have them [sit down] reclining in table groups (companies) of about fifty each. And they did so, and made them all recline. And taking the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven and [praising God] gave thanks and asked Him to bless them [to their use]. Then He broke them and gave them to the disciples to place before the multitude. And all the people ate and were satisfied. And they gathered up what remained over—twelve [small hand] baskets of broken pieces.” (Luke 9:12-17 AMP)

Placing things in divine order and giving thanks to God for everything that you have now is a simple principle that will cause miraculous manifestations and multiplication in any area of your life. Most times we only look for the hard things to do but God is very simple. Simply listen, obey and trust Him and His ways and you shall have your good success. As you do this, His glory shall come to reverse the curse because He’s UNDEFEATED… He is The BEST!


Keep God first in everything that you do, I love you!

LaMecca I’omni Grace*