
Supernaturally Living The BEST Life

By on Jul 4, 2014 in Daily Word | 0 comments

LaMecca I'omni Grace Share On GoogleShare On FacebookShare On Twitter

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the concept of copying, patterning and imitating but the example you choose had better B the BEST! Don’t allow yourself to be deceived, whatever you choose to receive within your eyes, ears, heart, mind, etc. is undoubtedly exactly what you shall B (whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap). It’s God’s infallible law/principle of seedtime and harvest… it’s ceaseless! It’s the SEED that determines the harvest (be it good or bad). If you want change for the BEST, you must be willing to listen, obey and trust The BEST (God/Truth) ABOVE ALL else by Grace. Feed insistently on Him and His Word, look for Him and His ways in every situation and copy (totally imitate) Him to the T!

“Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].” Ephesians 5:1 AMP

He’ll feed you the perfect words, He’ll show you the exact actions and He’ll supply you with His very own power… just choose to eat and drink Him (The BEST)! Change any and everything in the limited temporal realm of the natural by the leading of the Spirit of Truth and Grace (just like your big brother Jesus). Live there by faith in this exciting and adventurous lifestyle of the SUPERNATURAL! Your life will never be the same!!!

Imagine, Design and Create… the BEST with The BEST (Jesus Christ/God/the Holy Spirit)! When you humble yourself to take the background and allow Him to lead, He’ll make you the star because it proves He can trust you to always give Him the GLORY!!! I love you in and through Christ,


LaMecca I’omni Grace*


“Background” by Lecrae